ROADWAYS STANDARD on Bitmap A Proposal for a standard for the naming of all roadways on Bitmap; streets, avenues, boulevards, highways, drives, places, etc. Street/Avenue/Place ROADWAYS STANDARD on Bitmap I am proposing a standard for the routes (black lines/lines) between the blocks/transactions within each .bitmap in the Bitmap Metaverse. When viewed from above (on for example) the BTC blocks look like city blocks with each transaction being a rooftop of some building or an open space for a park or other such landmarks. The lines between/separating those blocks are clearly useful as roadways. These roadways will inevitably have names. The names can be bought now. How to place them on bitmaps will be figured out later. streets: (Words/letters can be used, Words/letters can only be succeeded by numbers and cannot be preceeded by numbers. When numbers are used standalone they must be followed by letters constituting a valid numerical expression (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc). Capital letters are allowed. No spaces between words. Capital letters anywhere in the name will NOT constitute a new name compared to the same name with small letters and vice versa. Suffix must be .street (all small letters)) VALID NAMES: 1st.street first.street (same as First.street) main.street wall.street chowmein.street (same as ChowMein.street same as Chowmein.street same as chowMein.street same as CHOWMEIN.street, etc) wolfofwall.street (same as WolfOfWall.street) 1284th.street 2nd.street 3rd.street INVALID NAMES (examples): 1st.Street Wall.ST 1Wall.street 1wall.Street or 1284.street Wolf of Wall.street 1284nd.street 1780rd.street 1rd.street No special characters: %.street Satoshi%.street 1/.street /.street avenues: (Words/letters can be used, Words/letters can only be succeeded by numbers and cannot be preceeded by numbers. When numbers are used standalone they must be followed by letters constituting a valid numerical expression (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc). Capital letters are allowed. No spaces between words. Capital letters anywhere in the name will NOT constitute a new name compared to the same name with small letters and vice versa. Suffix must be .avenue (all small letters)) VALID NAMES: 1st.avenue 2nd.avenue Park.avenue 117834th.avenue Main.avenue (same as MAIN.avenue same as maiN.avenue same as main.avenue) INVALID NAMES (examples): 117834.avenue 1Park.avenue Park.ave 1st.Avenue 3nd.ave 3nd.avenue No special characters: #.avenue Park#.avenue ?Park.avenue The above rules will be the same for boulevards, drives, places. Anyone can inscribe a .street or .avenue but only bitmap owners will be able to place these on their bitmaps, therefore if someone who doesn’t own a bitmap inscribes a valuable .street or .avenue then they can hold onto them and sell them to bitmap owners. Once a bitmap has its roadways named, they become a part of the bitmap in terms of that bitmap's resale. The bitmap, when sold, would come with the currently named roadways. Roadways can be renamed, however, by any owner of that bitmap at anytime but they must have inscription ownership of any new name they wish to change a roadway to. Parcels (represented by transactions on the blocks) could then have their transactions number be the address on a given roadway. For Example: Transaction #125 next to Park.avenue could be made into an address: 125.Park.avenue This will take some tooling, of course, and any ###.Park.avenue would change to any new roadway name in the case where Park.avenue got changed by the bitmap's owner to another name. (for example if Park.avenue got renamed to Main.street than all ###.Park.avenue would be auto updated to ###.Main.street) highways: These are the largest normal routes between bitmap blocks, with the exception of nakamotoways (see below). A highway will be a continuous line (doesnt have to be a straight line though) that runs between at least 5 consecutive bitmaps. Therefore only .bitmap OWNERS who have at least 5 bitmaps that link together (touch edge to edge, either horizontally or vertically) can place highways on their .bitmap. Anyone can inscribe Highway names of course. I envision highways as being able to be built OVER TOP of transaction blocks on the .bitmap where desired. The naming standard for highways will be: VALID NAMES (examples): (Words/letters can be used, Words/letters can only be succeeded by numbers and cannot be preceeded by numbers. When numbers are used standalone they must be followed by letters constituting a valid numerical expression (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc). Capital letters are allowed. No spaces between words. Capital letters anywhere in the name will NOT constitute a new name compared to the same name with small letters and vice versa. Suffix must be .highway (all small letters)) 1st.highway 11th.highway 111th.highway 17581623th.highway SATOSHI.highway same as Satoshi.highway same as satoshi.highway INVALID NAMES (examples): 2satoshi.highway or satoshi.hwy No special characters: @.highway @Satoshi.highway :.highway 1:.highway .drive / .boulevard / ,place will follow the same rules as the above ones mentioned. I propose the long form names for inscription clarity (street, avenue, highway, boulevard, drive, etc) but these could be shortened for visual appeal on any bitmaps. Simply convert any street to st, avenue to ave, highway to hwy, boulevard to blvd, drive to dr., etc) NAKAMOTOWAYS !!!! The rarest highways are nakamotoways, henceforth known as MOTOWAYS for short. I envision them appearing like giant elevated bypasses that could be built over top of transaction blocks, with the entrance to the motoway being at ground level, of course.. These MOTOWAYS can only be placed by bitmap owners with at least 12 consecutive bitmap blocks in a row (either horizontally or vertically, ie: 200001.bitmap, 200002.bitmap, 200003.bitmap, 200004.bitmap, 200005.bitmap, 200006.bitmap, 200007.bitmap,200008.bitmap, 200009.bitmap, 200010.bitmap, 200011.bitmap, 200012.bitmap (horizontal) or 200001.bitmap, 201001.bitmap, 202001.bitmap, 203001.bitmap, 204001.bitmap, 205001.bitmap, 206001.bitmap, 207001.bitmap, 208001.bitmap, 209001.bitmap, 210001.bitmap, 211001.bitmap, 212001.bitmap (vertical, as an example, whatever it would be to make blocks touch each other top down on the bitmap verse "master map") There will be a few ways to access the motoways: 1) These motoways will require a special token, the (YET TO BE PROPOSED/RELEASED), to access these passages in an unlimited fashion. 2) The bitmap owner whose land (12 consecutive blocks) that the motoway is on can charge users who do NOT hold an (YET TO BE PROPOSED/RELEASED) token, but want to travel on and check out the motoway system a fee in ORDI, or SATS and the rate will be dictated by the market. This will give access to either just the motoway of that bitmap owner, or the entire motoway system, for a limited time (community can decide these details). 3) The bitmap owners who have these motoways will be granted unlimited access without fee or without an (YET TO BE PROPOSED/RELEASED) token, so long as their account# is a holder of the 12 or more consecutive bitmaps upon which a motoway is contructed. All these owners will have access to the entire motoway network. Why? Because they will grant those who access them something special, a portal at the MOTOWAY'S end that takes the user somewhere special (to be determined by the bitmap owner themself?; maybe this allows them to access any bitmap or any other motoway?, maybe it takes them to a special map that only motoway users can access? Maybe some community planned special events can be created and access to them is limited via these motoways?). Something unique/special to (YET TO BE PROPOSED/RELEASED) holders, one time users, and bitmap motoway owners. Bitmap owners who own the 12 consecutive bitmaps upon which a motoway is constructed will be granted access to the motoway on their bitmaps and all other motoways. However, the motoway stays in place once put down in the original instance by the original bitmap owner who chooses its placement across their 12 bitmaps. Therefore, if that owner then sells one, or more, of his bitmaps from the string of 12 then he himself will lose free access to that motoway and will thenceforth have to hold (YET TO BE PROPOSED/RELEASED) tokens himself, or pay the one time entrance fee, in order to access it. The motoway in that instance would remain where it is even though there may now be multiple .bitmap owners of the land under which it resides. If someone else later on can buy all 12 bitmaps underneath a motoway then free access to the motoway system would be granted to that new owner. These motoways will add value to current "large string" bitmap owners. Motoways can be constructed in any shape desired as long as they remain on the 12 consecutive bitmaps. Special race tracks could be made out of these? In any case, these would make for one FUN way to gameify bitmaps and to add value to bitmap ownerships. Bitmap owners who have 12 or more consecutive bitmaps side by side (vertically or horizontally) will have to place the beginning of their motoway on a block that allows for the end of the motoway to be at least 11 blocks away (the 12th block). Motoways can not be started on block 6 of 12 for example, obviously. ANYONE can inscribe valid .nakamotoway inscriptions but only Bitmap owners (of 12 or more consecutive blocks) can place them down. Therefore there will still be a first come first serve market for these inscriptions and non bitmap holders could still hold these names and sell them (if their is a market) to qualifying Bitmap holders. VALID NAMES (examples): (Words/letters can be used, Words/letters can only be succeeded by numbers and cannot be preceeded by numbers. When numbers are used standalone they must be followed by letters constituting a valid numerical expression (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc). Capital letters are allowed. No spaces between words. Capital letters anywhere in the name will NOT constitute a new name compared to the same name with small letters and vice versa. Suffix must be .nakamotoway (all small letters)) Satoshi.nakamotoway (same as satoshi.nakamotoway same as SATOSHI.nakamotoway, etc.) Satoshi1.nakamotoway 1st.nakamotoway INVALID NAMES (examples): 1satoshi.nakamotoway 1satoshi.Nakamotoway Satoshi.Nakamotoway 1.nakamotoway 146.nakamotoway No special characters @.nakamotoway !.nakamotoway (YET TO BE PROPOSED/RELEASED) will have a limited supply of 2100 (two thousand one hundred). Each (YET TO BE PROPOSED/RELEASED) will grant its holder access to the motoways network of roads. Only 1 (YET TO BE PROPOSED/RELEASED) will be required to gain access to the motoways. Bitmap owners of 12 consecutive bitmaps upon which a motoway is place will have free access to the motoway system (as already mentioned). I will release the (YET TO BE PROPOSED/RELEASED) token in a few days time in order for more people to become aware of its release. This way there can be more holders of it initially.