My name is Zosia I have 8 years and this are my dreams: 1-Live in Poland FOREVER! 2-Have all Zelda games in the world. 3-Have my own Bitcoins : bc1qr74uanw9e0ahua79peltp7utpjswea52jy3q0g 4-Have my own black cat 5-be a youtuber. 6-To have a golden and black house and my fortune in it. 7-Black horse to be called Thundra and her to have royal guards gear (sadle and bridle) 8-Be master of Zelda and chess 9-Be a great mathematican 10-To be always ME 11-To never ever have a ban for my own nintendo switch! (Never ever and I mean it) 12- Have Dad to spent more time with me. 13-Have a big computer 14- On christmas to always have a huge live chritmass tree with a lot of decorations for it. If you see this we can be a friends: