mined. - *Decimal notation*: [`3891094.16797`](https://ordinals.com/sat/3891094.16797) The first number is the block height in which the satoshi was mined, the second the offset of the satoshi within the block. - *Degree notation*: [`3°111094′214″16797‴`](https://ordinals.com/sat/3%C2%B0111094%E2%80%B2214%E2%80%B316797%E2%80%B4). We'll get to that in a moment. - *Percentile notation*: [`99.99971949060254%`](https://ordinals.com/sat/99.99971949060254%25) . The satoshi's position in Bitcoin's supply, expressed as a percentage. - *Name*: [`satoshi`](https://ordinals.com/sat/satoshi). An encoding of the ordinal number using the characters `a` through `z`. Arbitrary assets, such as NFTs, security tokens, accounts, or stablecoins can be attached to satoshis using ordinal numbers as stable identifiers. Ordinals is an open-source project, developed [on GitHub](https://github.com/ordinals/ord). The project consists of a BIP describing the ordinal scheme, an index that communicates with a Bitcoin Core node to