Inscription 67360140
- id
- 4162a9eb70bec10318d66eafa5b3db121b613f62fedf30185915ca4d583e2b92i0
- metadata
- name
- Ayefrens #108
- description
- 1001 frens to provide companionship for The Ayeliens quest of World Domination
- image
- 108.png
- external_url
- attributes
- trait_type
- background
- value
- leaderboard
- trait_type
- body
- value
- black
- trait_type
- clothes
- value
- fuck isr
- trait_type
- mouth
- value
- 3
- trait_type
- eyes
- value
- jesus save me
- trait_type
- hair
- value
- long blond
- trait_type
- accessories
- value
- whisky
- address
- bc1p40jcxadxycc643706m6czcrrd3p984smxzm25al5w95ajrlexauq0k33tq
- output value
- 10000
- preview
- link
- content
- link
- content length
- 13676 bytes
- content type
- image/webp
- timestamp
- genesis height
- 837867
- genesis fee
- 47736
- genesis transaction
- 4162a9eb70bec10318d66eafa5b3db121b613f62fedf30185915ca4d583e2b92
- location
- e671af18227f5b07dc5f23c41c35007746b10b3b3df05eb2aa3a33f14160bcb7:4:0
- output
- e671af18227f5b07dc5f23c41c35007746b10b3b3df05eb2aa3a33f14160bcb7:4
- offset
- 0
- ethereum teleburn address
- 0xC1bDdE4E1A5b2C02Da65B10f9460Ff73b2448575