Inscription 68981865
- id
- c5e2c5b44bf0c87e2d1398a5a7bdedd9de6adc629a3ed183278b53ee77e64eeai0
- metadata
- name
- Painted Satoshi #1958
- Hands
- Middle Finger Right
- Hoodie
- Chartreuse
- Undershirt
- Gray Tshirt
- Facial Hair
- Pornstash
- description
- The Painted Satoshis is an art-first limited edition collection of hand-painted digital artifacts.
- Background Color
- Yellow
- Background Collage
- 05
- Background Element
- Shapes 2
- Collection
- Genesis
- address
- bc1pqr8390zhv3dkc6pmnme4zg9jn4sdapd349cwh5ngxu2lt47extaq6u4w5g
- output value
- 546
- preview
- link
- content
- link
- content length
- 41738 bytes
- content type
- image/webp
- timestamp
- genesis height
- 839120
- genesis fee
- 246353
- genesis transaction
- c5e2c5b44bf0c87e2d1398a5a7bdedd9de6adc629a3ed183278b53ee77e64eea
- location
- c5e2c5b44bf0c87e2d1398a5a7bdedd9de6adc629a3ed183278b53ee77e64eea:0:0
- output
- c5e2c5b44bf0c87e2d1398a5a7bdedd9de6adc629a3ed183278b53ee77e64eea:0
- offset
- 0
- ethereum teleburn address
- 0x967D6B1A5b31f40A61f1cF48B8AE1eA4a8c9f703