Inscription 68923786
- id
- cccc7c45f4623e40a6d1c8bd267636b06dc7f76938cbafeff56bf96cbaacb8bdi0
- metadata
- name
- Painted Satoshi #243
- Hands
- Peace
- Hoodie
- Pink
- Eyewear
- Aviators
- Undershirt
- White Tanktop
- description
- The Painted Satoshis is an art-first limited edition collection of hand-painted digital artifacts.
- Background Color
- Red
- Background Collage
- 09
- Background Element
- Rising Sun
- Collection
- Genesis
- address
- bc1ph283tpm5tjq8j6pk7kh40vn4s9ycg3hdvnjesygac0ske2lv0z5sx0j9jy
- output value
- 546
- preview
- link
- content
- link
- content length
- 36350 bytes
- content type
- image/webp
- timestamp
- genesis height
- 839084
- genesis fee
- 271150
- genesis transaction
- cccc7c45f4623e40a6d1c8bd267636b06dc7f76938cbafeff56bf96cbaacb8bd
- location
- cccc7c45f4623e40a6d1c8bd267636b06dc7f76938cbafeff56bf96cbaacb8bd:0:0
- output
- cccc7c45f4623e40a6d1c8bd267636b06dc7f76938cbafeff56bf96cbaacb8bd:0
- offset
- 0
- ethereum teleburn address
- 0xDac5151aC1B935655539080f16CA8af7DA465553